What we offer to Nonprofits

We can help bring your ideas to life. It all begins with an idea. Do you dream of telling your story and captivating hearts to your cause? Contive will further your dreams into reality with greater audience engagement and superb content.

Content Creation

"Contive" is a hybrid word created from two words: Creative Content and we mean it! We know what attracts eyes to your cause and it is our job to create content aligned with your organization's values. Our team is dedicated to bringing out a creative side of your brand designed for social media engagement.

Photography | Videography | Graphic Design | Websites

Analytics & Reporting

Running metrics & data may seem like the "boring" side of things to some but we can agree it is VITAL to the overall health of any organization. We don't just talk about results, we show you results. Our values of fairness and transparency in business is in our DNA, so we believe in providing our clients with up to date data on campaigns, ads and performance. We are not afraid to shift gears if we find a better strategy to make sure you get the best results!

Ad Strategies

Here is the reality, you need to run ads to be competitive in the social media world. Behind every successful nonprofit online is an ad strategy targeting audiences, running campaigns and structuring metrics. The problem is most organizations know they need to run ads but they don't know how. Here is the good news, we do! We maximize your ad budget by having these strategies in place and making sure you get the best ROAS (Return On Ad Spend).


Maybe, your organization doesn't need a complete takeover of your social media, but you need a little bit of help. We offer social media consulting on topics like: what platforms benefit your business best, ad strategies, content creation tools, or pretty much anything you can think of. You might even consider starting a Social Media Manager position at your organization, we can help train this position and show you the value of social media.

Raise More Online

Reach out now to schedule your FREE 30-min free consultation.